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Infosites.Biz | Follow the Steve Jobs Rule: Make Small Announcements Feel Big

Foto del escritor: Oscar GarciaOscar Garcia

Don't have much to say? Don't worry: It's all about the show.

Taken from Inc. Magazine

There are few bigger influences on the technology business over the past few decades than Steve Jobs. Through his various products, Jobs transformed the computer, music, and mobile industries. And along the way, he taught us many lessons, but one rises to the top.

That lesson, which he embodied so well over the years, centered on making even small announcements feel big and important.

It's easy to look back now and remember the big Steve Jobs announcements for the iMac, the iPhone, and the iPad. But he also made many smaller announcements every year. And in more cases than not, he was forced to showcase decidedly less interesting things like software updates, new apps, and small upgrades.

Still, whenever Apple announced a press event, the world would pay attention. Even today, Apple is living off the buzz its late co-founder created.

That shouldn't be unique to Apple. Indeed, every company can, and should, think seriously about the ways it can make even small announcements feel big and special.

Of course, that process starts with having something big to say. There's no sense in trying to make a small announcement feel big if customers haven't gotten used to hearing a few big announcements from you. Start with the major announcement and do it right. Then you can worry about the smaller announcements.

Now, how to bring that big announcement energy to the small stuff. First and foremost, remember the importance of platform. If you want the announcement to feel big, make it look big. If it's live, opt for an impressive venue. If it's digital, lean into strong visuals and impactful language. It needs to feel big to make people believe it's big.

Next, remember the value of details. Steve Jobs made smartphones feel special by talking about their materials, processing power, and the megapixels in their cameras. Share the unique features around your product or service. What sort of detail can you amplify to it feel special?

Finally, don't lose sight of your brand. Each time you present to the press or your customers, ensure your brand image is spot on. If you have an outdated logo, website, or collateral, any fresh announcement will look stale. Steve Jobs was a master at understanding image. As a business owner, you must do the same.

It's understandable that small companies look at Apple and think they can't match what Apple has done. But that's a falsehood. With proper planning, a solid strategy, an understanding of making things feel bigger than they are, and an outstanding brand strategy, it's more than possible. And along the way, you might even find your business breaking out from the pack and becoming, well, big.



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